Welcome to our light-as-a-feather handmade PAZ SINTES-Textile Jewelry collection
2024 next events:
-Bethesda Row Arts Festival, MD (Sept 7th & 8th)
-Artrider Crafts at Lyndhurst Fall, Tarrytown, NY (Sept 13th, 14th & 15th)
-New York City Private sales event (Sept 28th & 29th)
-Within walking distance from the Lincoln Center. RSVP required.
(The Fall Artrider- Lincoln Center show has cancelled).
-Rittenhouse Square- Rose Squared, Philadelphia, PA (Oct 11th, 12th & 13th)
-Artrider CraftWesport, CT (Nov 2nd & 3rd)
-Philadelphia Craft Museum - PMA show, Philadelphia PA (Nov 14th, 15th, 16th & 17)
-One of a kind Chicago, IL (Dec 5th through Dec 8th)
We are NOT participating in any New York Holiday market this year. Sorry for any inconvenience.
We are planning on doing a few private events instead. Please email us if you would like to be informed.
Thank you for your interest!
Follow us on Instagram an Facebook at:
Paz Sintes E-boutique
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